New blogging format

Perhaps you’ve noticed I haven’t blogged in a while. One reason is that I’ve been busy with family life, with my beautiful bride Christina. And another is my busy church life. Another reason I haven’t blogged is that I had been intending to upgrade to the latest version of MovableType so that I could take advantage of the CAPTCHA plug-in to block comment spam. But upgrading MovableType is such a pain…

So, I decided to switch from MovableType to Blogger. For one thing, I have high praise for Google’s technology, with Gmail’s spam fighting technology and smooth Ajaxian interface, their powerful search engine, and cool developer tools like Google Gears.

Another reason for the switch is that MovableType does not work very well on Windows servers, and as a .NET developer, of course my site is hosted on Windows. Also, upgrading MovableType is a pain. With Google’s Blogger, the posting interface is online, and their software updates are therefore automatic. This should therefore remove the obstacles to posting new blogs. Oh, and I can also post directly from my iPhone, which is definitely a plus!

Sent from my iPhone

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