The Beauty of a Will Enslaved

Free-willers were chatting in the break room today about the “beauty of free agency”. I tried to pipe in with an observation about Divine Providence but it was not received. I had to leave the room in order to avoid upsetting people.

Why are so many people convinced that “free will” is a major tenet of the Christian religion? It’s not taught in the Bible anywhere. Just look at Romans 8. Where is free will in there? Verses 7, 8 (ESV): “For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law; indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.” The unregenerate human soul has no choice but to live a life of degradation. It is only by the indwelling Spirit of Christ, when we are born again, regenerated (v. 9-11).

The paradox is not God’s Sovereignty vs. man’s free will. It is God’s Sovereignty and human responsibility. We are responsible for the sins we commit, even though it is in our nature to commit them.

Sent from my iPhone

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