Lorddesign.net 3.0

Lord design
Screen capture in Safari before I uploaded it to my server.

My website has received a much-needed facelift. Or should I say overhaul. I had actually taken it offline last year, seeing no point paying domain registration fees when I was saving up a down-payment for our A-frame. But it seemed rather necessary since I’m a freelance developer again. Not only has my skillset changed considerably since I built the previous version, but browser support of JavaScript has changed so much that the old one actually didn’t work anymore.

I decided to use this project for my first test-case for Twitter Bootstrap, which I think is a pretty easy way to get up and going with a new site, as it comes pre-loaded with jQuery and a responsive grid layout. I customized the heck out of it. (It actually took a lot of work to get the footer to stay at the bottom of the page.) I’ve also added an ASP.NET HttpModule running behind the scenes that will help redirect you if you were trying to visit an old page.

The logo is a reference to the A-frame in which we live, and where I conduct most of my business. If you follow me on Google+ you’ve probably seen its gradual development over the past couple of months. This version was created with the Inkpad iPad app for vector graphics.

Below the hero callout I decided to focus on some of the values that are important to me that have helped set me apart and created considerable demand. One doesn’t often see freelancers bragging about their interdependence with others, but I’ve been spending a lot of time on GitHub and Stack Overflow lately, and I think this sort of community-based thinking can only help our clients, as it will make it easier for them in the future should they need to bring other people on board.

Follow the blog on the Fediverse at aaron@www.devlord.io
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