
So, I’m sorry I haven’t updated this blog in such a long time (although I have posted a couple entries on my MySpace). I’m finding that the MovableType platform doesn’t really meet my needs the way it’s set up, so I’m going to be working on programming my own blog in .NET and converting the database for the blog over to the new one once that’s ready.

After 12 years away, I moved back to Las Vegas last week to start a new job, which began on Monday. I’m very excited about it. The Lord’s totally blessed me, and after the way the last 4 months have gone since Calvary Chapel Chico “let [me] go”, it’s really good to see His hand at work in bringing me to the place where He wants me.

If you still read this, please comment to let me know!

My dad got me Derek Webb’s album “She Must and Shall Go Free” for my birthday, and it finally arrived the other day. I’ve admired this album from afar for quite a while. Pat or Kevin had often left a copy at the sound booth, and I saw an online video of a Donald Miller message where he used the song “Wedding Dress”, playing over a video clip from Baz Lurman’s Romeo & Juliet, as a sort of worship-facilitator to bring his message home. (I downloaded that song from iTunes a few weeks ago so I could have it, but that was before I knew I was going to get the whole album.)

I must say I’ve never been one to listen to Caedmon’s Call. But this album is really special. Most of the songs deal with who we are as the Church, the Bride of Christ, and the price our Groom paid to redeem us. A lot of the songs include imagery (especially “Wedding Dress”) that pulls from the recurring theme found in Scripture and most graphically portrayed in the book of Hosea: We are all whores; the Church is one big Whore; but our Husband has laid it all on the line to come find us and bring us home and clean us up.

It looks like Derek’s going to have a new album out in a couple weeks, so be sure to watch for it!

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