Some still recognize a need for irrelevance…

Christians are so uncool. At least Rolling Stone thinks so. They were going to run a story about down & dirty street ministry on the Spanish island of Ibiza, but RS pulled the story, because apparently they’re mad at Christians for getting Bush re-elected. In their response, the brothers and sisters at said:

The good news is that 24-7 is now officially out of tune with the spirit of the age, (and Rolling Stone is about as Official as you can get on these things). THIS IS GREAT NEWS! It means that, while we are culturally present enough to be on the radar of mainstream interest, we remain culturally irrelevant enough to be considered alternative and subversive which is EXACTLY where we need to be. Culturally present but gloriously different, ‘aliens in the world’ as the apostle Peter put it. ‘Out of sync with the American zeitgeist’ according to Rolling Stone!

I’ve never seen anyone get so excited about getting cut from a magazine before… Praise the Lord!

(The irony of it is that if you go to Rolling Stone‘s website, one of the rotating Flash blurbs on the home page is a link to the video for U2’s “Vertigo”, the lyrics of which almost perfectly parallel the story about 24-7’s mission in Ibiza that RS chose not to run.)

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