What Oswald Said…

This is what got the wheels cranking in my mind to write that article about Choosing God’s Will:

God never coerces us. In one mood we wish He would make us do the thing, and in another mood we wish He would leave us alone. Whenever God’s will is in the ascendant, all compulsion is gone. When we choose deliberately to obey Him, then He will tax the remotest star and the last grain of sand to assist us with all His almighty power. (Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, Dec. 1)

Update: This is not how I feel anymore. I think I was in the middle of arguing with friends who had become Calvinists around this time, and was looking for straws to grasp.

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1 thought on “What Oswald Said…”

  1. Aaron,
    I love this. It has been a great sorce of encouragement to me this week, as well as being a confirmation of what the Lord had been speaking to me as of late. One of my favorite things that Pat Mathers shared with me when I was in a bit of a humdrum…..wondering why I am not where I want to be in my walk with Jesus- knowing I'm called to more, but not attaining it- Pat said, “think about it- you are now where you wished to be 5 years ago…and the Lord will keep on taking you there in His perfect time.”
    And so it goes. God is more faithful than I can ever imagine. When I but ask to be changed, He is already in the process of bringing that aspect of sanctification to light. I asked Him to help me with my prayer time- I was praying, but not recognizing His presence or His real desire to help. I cried out to Him and He heard my cry. The next day I was praying- real conversation with Him, real intercession, and I knew that it was Him doing it- that it was all Him. I give grace to people when in my flesh I don't desire to, but I have asked Him so many times to let me be a light, and to glorify Himself in my life, that He takes that serious, and He does all the work. It is His grace pouring out from all that He has poured into me. He takes my breath away.
    So I'm thankful that He reminds us (and oft does He have to) that He will be glorified, and He loves to indwell us and use us. What an amazing priviledge we have. What a Savior.
    Thanks be to Him.
    Laurel Claire

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