
Al Mohler’s got Newsweek’s number

Al Mohler has an indepth condemnation of the abominable cover article in Newsweek.  After California’s democratic victory passing Proposition 8 in November, the news media is out in full swing trying to change our Puritan-founded country’s morals.  The author of the Newsweek article says,  Would any contemporary heterosexual married couple—who likely woke up on their wedding

Al Mohler’s got Newsweek’s number Read More »

Why a Woman Shouldn’t Run for Vice President, but Wise People May Still Vote for Her

This is an article John Piper recently posted. “The Bible does not encourage us to think of nations as blessed when women hold the reins of national authority (Isaiah 3:12).” “In my view, defending abortion is far worse sin for a man than serving as Vice President is for a woman.” http://www.desiringgod.org/Blog/1474_Why_a_Woman_Shouldnt_Run_for_Vice_President_but_Wise_People_May_Still_Vote_for_Her/ The election is

Why a Woman Shouldn’t Run for Vice President, but Wise People May Still Vote for Her Read More »