Reformed Theology

The Order of God’s Eternal Elective Decrees, Part 2

As promised, here is another post on the Order of Decrees. There are several different opinions regarding the meaning of the terms Sublapsarian and Infralapsarian. Some people use one to refer to the traditional reformed Infralapsarian view, and the other to refer to Amyraldism (which I will explain in a later post). But there is

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Mark Driscoll on the History and Doctrines of the Emergent Church Movement

I’ve been meaning to post on this for a while. Mark Driscoll spoke about the Emergent church at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2007. It’s a very good message that describes the history of the Emergent church, his involvement with the Emergent movement and subsequent separation, and the movement’s dangerous doctrines. The message brings a

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B.B. Warfield on the Supralapsarian Controversy

Benjamin Breckenridge Warfield wrote the following in The Plan of Salvation, Part I: The two parties here are known in the history of thought by the contrasting names of Supralapsarians and Sublapsarians or Infralapsarians. The point of difference between them is whether God, in his dealing with men with reference to their destiny, divides them

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